Appointemnts WEB APP

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Date: 2018.4.16        Author: Admin

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Application SetUp


Application SETUP

Public Profile

Set your public profile, information that will be published to the web page.

FirstName, LastName, Email and Phone and your picture can be set here.

Email messages

Relates to email messages that are sent automatically to you and to the appointment requester.

Working hours

Set your offices and working hours schedule.

"Visits per hour"  referees to how many appointments you may accept in one hour. It is used to allocate time frames for appointments when requested.


Set here your calendar. Fixed yearly holidays and  holidays or other vacation or leaves.


The DATABASE public apikey, this is set automatically, it is wise to use it as it is setup from begining. When it is changed your application will reset it's public storage.

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| 1.1.1. Start| Application SetUp| 1.2.1. Calendar|